The 6th Biannual TEVA Equitarian Project commenced on February 14, 2015.
We return again to our headquarters to the west of Guatemala City in the UNESCO Heritage site of Antigua.
The team consists of Dr. Chris Brasmer of New Mexico, Dr. Craig Niblett of Austin, Scott Giebler of Sound, Concho Ramirez of Mexico, veterinary students from Texas A&M- Anastasia Keyser, Christine McGrath and Stephanie Massey, Bob Jenschke of Kerrville and team leader Dr. Rob Franklin of Weatherford.
We visited the ancient market town of Chichicastenango on Sunday before starting work on horses Monday.
The first day started with a 30 minute drive South of Antigua to the area of Santa Maria de Jesus.
This agriculture community lives near the Agua volcano which often blankets the area with ash.
We set up our equipment on a local soccer field. The goal post was the dental station as we were able to perform up to three dentals at a time. The day started out slow as many of the horses were being used for the morning harvest.
As the equids came in, they were given a number that was drawn on their left shoulder. Basic questions were asked to help determine information such as age, lameness, and general concerns they have with the equines.
Weight, height, body condition score, and gender were also recorded. Each equine was checked for ear ticks, sores, teeth problems, hoof problems, and other dermatological issues (mange and habronemiasis are common).
A horizontal line was placed on the right shoulder for any horses in need of dental care. As they were vaccinated with rabies and tetanus, a vertical line was drawn on their right shoulder. A second vertical line was drawn when the dewormer was given. Fecal egg counts were recorded and were unsurprisingly high.
Once the equines were done with the check in stage, any equine needing dental care went to the dental station or they went to the farrier station for trimming. A saddlery station to help fix saddles and address any sores was also available.
At first the people were quiet and reserved, but as the day went on, the energy and excitement increased. The condition of the equines varied with an average body condition score of 2.5/9. The age of the equines ranged from 1.5 years to 25 years old. The horses tended to be young while the donkeys and mules were older.
Many of the equines had sharp points, fractured teeth and long hooves, but there were others with conditions much worse. Since many people spent the day working with their equines, our largest volume came towards the end of the day.
The children enjoyed watching all the stations and even spent time looking through the microscope while the fecal egg counts were being performed.
A soccer ball was given to the children who enjoyed playing in the soccer field.
We worked until dusk, seeing a total of 51 equines our first day.
We headed back to Antigua to rest our tired bodies....
For The Love of The Horse... from fullbucket on Vimeo.