Have you ever dined out and realized you ate more than you should have? Suddenly,...
7 Reasons Why Your Cat is Bloated (and How to Help)
Have you ever dined out and realized you ate more than you should have? Suddenly, your stomach starts to swell, you're engulfed in discomfort, and you jokingly say you're carrying...
Whiskers and Fluffy discuss cat body condition score
Published: April 2021 | Updated: July 2023 Whiskers: “What body condition score would you give me, Fluffy?” Fluffy: “You are definitely an 8. Whereas, I am a 5 which they...
Cat Diarrhea Explained for The Rest Of Us
Published: February 2020 | Updated: October 2022 This is for cat lovers that want a natural pet supplement solution instead of pharmaceutical medicine (that stops the digestive flow) to help...
Understanding inflammatory bowel disease in cats
Published: February 2021 | Updated: September 2022 If you've ever had a stomach ache, you probably know what it feels like to have your intestines ache. But if you've ever...
How to Get Rid of Intestinal Worms in Cats and Dogs
Published: November 2020 | Updated: July 2022 A parasite is defined as an organism that lives in or on a host and gets its nutrition at the expense of that...
7 Reasons for Weight Loss in Cats with Normal Blood Work
7 reasons for weight loss in cats with normal blood work Weight loss in cats can be related to many issues, just like in humans. So even if all the...